when biden became president he tasked" "Kamala" with the job of "managing" the border situation

ie: (mess),and all she did was "blow it up" to the embarrassing debacle it is now! she is a "disaster"

in the making. to be clear,in my view, she acts like an "empty-headed" yoyo, but hey, what do i know as a "concerned citizen"..god help us!

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I like him cus he calls it like it is....So what if it hurts your feelings....People should toughen up and grow a pair......Life ain't always gonna be peaches and cream.....The guy had a secure border, no BS conflicts and prices were great and everything good....This clown gets in and right away you get him trying exit Afghanistan....All downhill from there and he knew what he was doing back then......

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my sentiments exactly..as stated, he is NOT a lying, denying politician, and this simple "fact" does indeed make him stand out.he is a consummate "threat" to the "jungle" that is d.c. nothing new here so hopefully, finally,some one has the "balls" to help the people, and straighten out the "toilet" that is our government. trump IS respected around the world .

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All these China's, Russia's and Irans only respect fear and nothing else....Trump understands this, but sadly those on the left don't

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I'm concerned that unless these asswipes start taking care of the people's issues,

that there could be a "revolution" in this country!..it's happened before and can happen again! those that ARE paying attention are "frustrated" with the "power grab" and the "f**k everybody, yay for me" attitude that is so prevalent in our government.

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To tell you the truth I'm a little surprised it hasn't happened by now......Country is softer today than 100 years ago

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nobody's got the time, nor the inclination. everybody is just trying to survive, and waiting for the "movement to commence!"

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Unlikely today, but we have seen some unlikely things lately....

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Kamala, if elected as the new puppet, she will be the final nail in this country's coffin......Don't believe we could ever come back from it.....She is a perfect example of DEI....Biden said his VP was gonna be a woman of color and this is what that idea produced.....How ill are these people with their policy's.....I know I want the best and smartest doctors operating on me no matter what that surgeon looks like.....Can't get over their stupidity....I've tried making sense of it ,but unable.....Can this really be about their hate for one man ???.....Let him throw the 1st stone that has no faults or wrongs in their life

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one has to understand that trump is NOT a politician, and because of this, he speaks the truth, and quite frankly, the democrats "hate" (very strong word) this fact. trump does NOT lie and deny, and always will upset the "power balance" in Washington. this will never be accepted by the democrats, and this is why they want him gone!

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A business man and that's why he was a success running this country.....These liberals could care less about this country.....The truth puts fear in a lot of folks besides liberals, but beginning to realize that the left wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face.....Reason being is the CNN's, MSNBC's, etc. ....And we know that the "fake news" is nothing more than good old fashion propaganda......D.C. will never accept Trump

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I am very afraid for our country. There are simply too many people who hate America as we knew it. That America has been painted with all of its flaws and none of its glory.

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Hate put Biden and Kamala in the WH...

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unfortunately this is correct! there is way too much devisivness in our country

it would appear that the presidency is always claimed by the "power hungry"

candidate with the most efficient, and largest political machine. to be "blunt"

anyone "decent" simply doesn't want the job in the first place.

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I agree.it is why he's such a breath of fresh air! people are tired of being lied to. it is why there is so much divisiveness in the country. in my view, trump's a "man of destiny"

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Never thought I would ever get that feeling of being smarter than anyone, but I'm having a hard time feeling this way about these lefty's........What pisses me the F off is they think they are fooling the American people with their BS, while taking control of our daily lives and telling us what we can and can't do......If possible I'd never ever choose to live in a world like this where people actually vote for these folks in order to keep them in charge of their lives

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yes! incredible "crap" uttered on a grandiose level to fool the American public into thinking

these phony a**holes actually care about the "people"..it's a huge "power trip" just so they can "hang on to power!" really shameful when the people get "kicked to the curb!" their "liberal" "crap" policies hurt the country as a whole, and the people in particular!

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I started out 10 years ago listening to their BS and finally realized after 2 1/2 years that they were lying to me every day.......That was it for me

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Ted, once again Facebook would not let me share your article. What asses!

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Just hoping the crooked media do not continue to make her look good (although they probably will) She is a disgrace to America and has no intention (or capability) of helping any Americans. She,like Biden,are only interested in beating TRUMP and to obtain power!

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yes! this is the "scary" prospect, building her up so the "vast" majority of people will be "duped" into voting for her..this is on MY mind, and is a disconcerting thought going forward.

I really do NOT trust the American people to "see through" this "horseshit" and make the only choice possible for our country, mr trump.

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TRUMP needs a debate on ABC to show the "fooled" Americans what she really stands for. The FOX people ALREADY know who she is....The TRUMP team has to solidly ring her bell on POLICY issues DAILY to get the word out about this liberal California socialist!

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yes he must attack her policies, and MAKE the american people know and understand how voting for her will be the ultimate "fool's errand"

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Man…one of your best yet, Ted!! Thanks for this.

Twilight Zone—perfect analogy.

God save us from this “Fifth Dimension.”

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Thanks. It's easy to be inspired by this lunacy.

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So true!

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